ごめんね Feat.長谷川ねこ Sorry Feat. neco hasegawa


I'm too familiar with the combo TEMPLIME x Hoshimiya Toto, so of course out of all the tracks in TEMPLIME's new EP EMPT MILE, the one with the most similar style from is my favourite.

But do listen to the whole EP, and also read Patrick's interview.

かつて地球は白かった Once White Earth


Capping off the mekakushe x Nagase Yuka trilogy, hopefully more stuff to follow at their collab live in February next year? An EP? 🙏


covered by Noah, original by sakanaction

A mysterious youtube channel.

クロール Crawl


Now a two member band, but still going strong.

水仙 Narcissus

goat life


烏兎 -uto-

心を探している seeking for my heart


I wanted to praise how this album tries many different styles, all of which really well done, my favourite of which is this chilldspot-like song.

But I just found out each song is written by different people, and this very chilldspot-like song is written by Hiyune of chilldspot, which, you know, makes a lot more sense.


the neverminds

Am I allowed to include a song from February by a Canadian band?

Interview by Japanese web publication Sleep like a Pillow.

愛の影 Ai no Kage




Read more on my end of year list. (sorry for being late :P) (also I'll update this page with more links and stuff later)