
This is me 👋

Here are some people that I follow, and maybe you should too 👇

Patrick St. Michel

Patrick is probably the most prolific Japanese music listener and writer. Like, ever.

He writes for The Japan Times, and has an excellent blog on substack: Make Believe Melodies. His weekly lists always full of hits from artists I've never heard of, and his yearly top 100(!!) albums lists are just the best. If I can only follow one person for more Japanese music, it's Patrick.

He also is ✨Global Strategy Staff✨ for Kamitsubaki Studio (well, does PR with maru mgmt for Kamitsubaki to be precise), which means bonus points from me.


Angura makes videos introducing Japanese indie / underground artists, with in person interviews and live footage.

The maker of the channel Bonyari also has a instagram channel Gigs in Tokyo (@gigsintokyo), if anyone's visiting Tokyo.


I think my tastes is pretty similar to leap's, I like most of their recommendations, so if you like my lists, check out leap's too.


Dude has like 36 hour per day, and he lives in youtube's comment section (and the unofficial kamitsubaki english discord server's other-music channel??)

If you see him in youtube comments, say hi to him for me, or just reply with the following: 💀. Thanks.

Tode Pond